Viking Axes
We are now offering Viking Axes - Hand forged axes based on early Norwegian/Viking /Scandinavian style axes designed by people who used them every day. They are useful, effective, and fun to chop with.
Our Viking Axe features a head made of 4140 steel bar stock. The head is differentially heat-treated like our other axes and hawks to provide a strong, durable axe that holds an edge really well. These axes average 1.5-2# (including the handle) depending on style.
Each Viking Axe features a stained and waxed hickory handle (averaging 20-24” long). The handle is hand-carved and shaped to fit nicely in your hand with a bump/curved area on the bottom edge to help prevent hand slippage. If you break the handle, you can form a new one from a good piece of wood even if you are in the forest and have to make one on the fly. The common opinion is that the tapered tomahawk handle (like our Triple T hawks) can be replaced in the wild if it breaks. We find it is much more involved to make and fit a new replacement handle in a tomahawk than it is to replace one in our Viking Axes.
The handle hole is a waisted hole which means the center of the hole is smaller than the top or bottom so when you put the handle in and wedge it, it is a better hold on the handle than just a straight-sided hole. A straight-sided hole is easier to make so it is popular with many of today’s makers but we feel it is worth the extra time and effort to make it waisted.
We offer optional leather sheaths. We also offer just the head without a handle or sheath for those “do-it-yourself” types.
These axes are great for camp-fire wood or any other hatchet/axe duty.